
[3] and in which Akiva dedicated himself to the study of Torah. Join Rabbi David Sedley as explores the life and times of Rabbi Akiva, who grew up a shepherd and did not start learning Torah until after age 40. However, Moses' spirit was revived when a student asked Akiva the source of a law, and Akiva replied "A law to Moses at Sinai". Joseph Akiva is known by Jewish people around the world as the famous Rabbi Akiva. [3][9] Akiva remained in Lod[3][10] as long as Eliezer dwelt there, and then moved his own school to Beneberak. Rabbi Akiva was a leading contributor to the Mishnah and to Midrash halakha. The masses, rich and poor, turned out when he came home to Jerusalem. When Akiva and his wife saw that there were people even poorer than they, Rachel said to him, "Go, and become a scholar". The story of his death is recorded in masechet Brachot (61b) in connection with the mitzvah of loving G-d—something Rabbi Akiva was able to do despite, or might we … Likely the older of the two goes as follows:[3] "Akiva, noticing a stone at a well that had been hollowed out by drippings from the buckets, said: If these drippings can, by continuous action, penetrate this solid stone, how much more can the persistent word of God penetrate the pliant, fleshly human heart, if that word but be presented with patient insistency. "Toward a Profile of a Tanna, Aqiba ben Joseph. [92] In one case, his success as a teacher led his wealthy father-in-law Kalba Savua to acknowledge such a distinguished son-in-law and to support him. The greatest tannaim of the middle of the second century came from Akiva's school, notably Rabbi Meir, Judah bar Ilai, Simeon bar Yochai, Jose ben Halafta, Eleazar ben Shammai, and Rabbi Nehemiah. Akiva had an answer ready: "For the very reason, the duty of man is to perfect himself. We teamed up with Faith Counseling. [3][95] There exists the following tradition: Akiva once met a coal-black man carrying a heavy load of wood and running with the speed of a horse. [29] During his travels, it is probable that he visited other places having important Jewish communities. [3], According to Johanan bar Nappaḥa (199–279), "Our Mishnah comes directly from Rabbi Meir, the Tosefta from R. Nehemiah, the Sifra from R. Judah, and the Sifre from R. Simon; but they all took Akiva for a model in their works and followed him. "Is there no help for you?" He is referred to in the Talmud as Rosh la-Hakhamim "Chief of the Sages". Another Talmudic story is told about Rabbi Akiva that … It was to be feared that the Jews, by their facility in accommodating themselves to surrounding —even then a marked characteristic—might become entangled in the net of Grecian philosophy, and even in that of Gnosticism. According to some sources, he was descended from converts to Judaism. ", This page was last edited on 11 January 2021, at 22:16. Ben Kalba Sabu'a fell at Akiva's feet and gave him half his wealth.[16][18]. As the fundamental principle of his system, Akiva enunciates his conviction that the mode of expression used by the Torah is quite different from that of every other book. Akiva ascertained that the royal chamber was adorned with white marble statuary, and, based on the theory that a child is similar in nature to whatever its parents gazed upon while conceiving the child, he exonerated the queen from suspicion. Can they help you today? The δευτερώσεις τοῦ καλουμένου Ραββὶ Ακιβά (Mishnah of the one called "Rabbi Akiva") mentioned by Epiphanius,[69] as well as the "great Mishnayot of Akiva",[70] are probably not to be understood as independent Mishnayot (δευτερώσεις) existing at that time, but as the teachings and opinions of Akiva contained in the officially recognized Mishnayot and Midrashim. [3], But he is far from representing strict justice as the only attribute of God: in agreement with the ancient Israel theology of the מדת הדין, "the attribute of justice", and מדת הרחמים, "the attribute of mercy,"[3][54] he teaches that God combines goodness and mercy with strict justice. [3], But this was not sufficient to obviate all threatening danger. "Almost none," replied the deceased; "for I understand that my sufferings will end only when I have a pious son. "No mercy in [civil] justice!" It only takes a minute to sign up. An imperial princess suddenly became insane, in which condition she threw a chest containing imperial treasures into the sea. It was cast upon the shore close to the house of Akiva's creditor, so that when the matrona went to the shore to demand of the sea the amount she had lent Akiva, the ebbing tide left boundless riches at her feet. He worked as a shepherd for “Ben Kalba Savua,” one of the richest men in Yerushalayim. Use the form on the right to contact us. [3][96] This legend has been somewhat elaborately treated in Yiddish. Akiva ben Yosef (written עקיבא‎ aqívā in the Babylonian Talmud and עקיבה‎ aqívāh in the Jerusalem Talmud) was of humble parentage. He was now a famous rabbi and he came with 12,000 students! A:It’s worth it. [3][65], Aquila, meanwhile, was a disciple of Akiva and, under Akiva's guidance, gave the Greek-speaking Jews a rabbinical Bible. [3][40] Rebbe Akiva's modern day tomb is located in Tiberias. She offered to marry him if he would agree to begin studying Torah, as at the time he was 40 years old and illiterate. is his basic principle in the doctrine concerning law,[3][59] and he does not conceal his opinion that the action of the Jews in taking the spoil of the Egyptians is to be condemned. Not knowing who he was, Ben Kalba Sabu'a also approached Akiva and asked him for help annulling his vow to disown his daughter and her husband. [22][23] Convinced of the necessity of a central authority for Judaism, Akiva became a devoted adherent and friend of Rabban Gamaliel, who aimed at constituting the patriarch the true spiritual chief of the Jews. The opposition offered by the Sadducees (which became especially strenuous in the first century BC) led to the development the halakhic midrash, whose purpose was to deduce these amplifications of the Law, by tradition and logic, out of the Law itself. Then he said the Shema, he extended the final word Echad ("One") until his life expired with that word. The neighbors very freely expressed their opinion that the deceased and his wife deserved to inhabit the infernal regions for all time—the latter because she had not even performed brit milah for the child. Both state that one can add to the already existing impurity when the food is anyway being destroyed? He had to go with his young child to school to learn to read the Hebrew alphabet. [3][66] Akiva probably also provided for a revised text of the Targums; certainly, for the essential base of the Targum Onkelos, which in matters of Halakah reflects Akiva's opinions completely.[3][67]. And actually, what new did Rabbi Chanina … He then put the question, "Why has God not made man just as He wanted him to be?" Akiva worked in the domain of the Halakha, both in the systematization of its traditional material and in its further development. [82] This is quite remarkable, seeing that in matrimonial legislation he went so far as to declare every forbidden union as absolutely void[83] and the offspring as illegitimate. Contact Us . Instead our sages chose to first ascribe it to a loss of kavod as a powerful reminder of what can happen to us when we forget how to conduct discourse grounded in honor and respect. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Means for the theoretical study of the halachah were also scant; both logic and exegesis—the two props of the Halakah—being differently conceived by the various ruling tannaim, and differently taught. Rabbi Akiva (sometimes spelled Akiba) is considered to be one of the greatest rabbinic sages, yet the biographical details of his life remain somewhat of a mystery. May 30, 2017. [3], It might be thought that with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem—which event made an end of Sadduceeism—the halakhic Midrash would also have disappeared, seeing that the Halakha could now dispense with the Midrash. These examples will suffice to justify the opinion that Akiva was the man to whom Judaism owes preeminently its activity and its capacity for development. [86] This story gives a picture of Akiva's activity as the father of Talmudic Judaism. He was executed by the Romans in the aftermath of the Bar Kokhba revolt. [3] Some modern scholars argue that Akiva's thousands of students died fighting for Bar Kochba, but this opinion was first formulated by Nachman Krochmal around 200 years ago and has no earlier source. Here, the context is not the superhuman faith of Rabbi Akiva, but the seeming unfairness of G-d’s justice in allowing Rabbi Akiva to meet such a tragic and tortuous end. [3][51] Similarly, he recognizes as the chief and greatest principle of Judaism the command, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. At last, after the twelfth year, Rabbi Akiva returned. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered When did R' 'Akiva see his … [17] Returning at the end of twelve years accompanied by 12,000 disciples, on the point of entering his home he overheard his wife say to a neighbor who was critical of his long absence: "If I had my wish, he should stay another twelve years at the academy." When he arrives home he sorts out the wheat by itself, barley by itself, spelt by itself, beans by themselves, lentils by themselves. Orthodox Union.,35.5267303,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x151c3e53ea17f955:0xfdbe2f6524540078!2sTomb+of+Rabbi+Akiva!8m2!3d32.7885191!4d35.528919!3m4!1s0x151c3e53ea17f955:0xfdbe2f6524540078!8m2!3d32.7885191!4d35.528919, "An Ancient Jewish Primer (The Alphabet of Rabbi Akiva)". Akiva's opinion about the creation of man is recorded in Pirkei Avot: Akiva's anthropology is based upon the principle that man was created בצלם, that is, not in the image of God—which would be בצלם אלהים—but after an image, after a primordial type; or, philosophically speaking, after an Idea—what Philo calls in agreement with Judean theology, "the first heavenly man" (see Adam ḳadmon). Traditional sources tell how he was raised in poverty and unschooled in religious tradition but began to learn the Torah as an adult. In all that time he did not once return home, for he and Rachel agreed that he would not come back until he felt he had finished his studies. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. If it be out of poverty that you do this, I will take care of your needs." Yerushalmi Ta'anit, 4 68d; also Sanhedrin 93b in Yad HaRav Herzog manuscript, Mekhilta Mishpaṭim 18, where Akiva regards the martyrdom of two of his friends as ominous of his own fate. When Moses asks God what the pious Akiva's reward will be, he is shown the aftermath of his execution. Horowitz, Y. F. and Morgenstern, Ashira (November 24, 2010). 43,367 +9,295 United States … Later, when Akiva arrived to discharge his indebtedness, the matrona not only refused to accept the money, but insisted upon Akiva's receiving a large share of what the sea had brought to her. She also noticed in him a tremendous potential for … Mishnah); (2) the Tosefta, which in its original form contains a concise logical argument for the Mishnah, somewhat like the Lebush of Mordecai Jafe on the Shulchan Aruch; (3) the halakhic Midrash. So many times in our lives are we moved by inspiring words or events. [56][57], As to the question concerning the frequent sufferings of the pious and the prosperity of the wicked—truly a burning one in Akiva's time—this is answered by the explanation that the pious are punished in this life for their few sins, in order that in the next they may receive only reward; while the wicked obtain in this world all the recompense for the little good they have done, and in the next world will receive only punishment for their misdeeds. Weiss. Upon his inquiry as to what these might be for, he received the answer, "There will come a man, named Akiva ben Yosef, who will deduce halakhot from every little curve and crown of the letters of the Law." [3][49] This view of Akiva's, in spite of the energetic protests of his colleague Rabbi Ishmael, became the one generally accepted by his contemporaries. Akiva is referred to as Akiva ben Yosef haGer in a Jewish text from the Middle Ages. [42], A tannaitic tradition mentions that of the four who entered paradise, Akiva was the only one that returned unscathed. "[3], Concerning end times, Akiva interpreted Bible prophecy using what is now called the historicist methodology, which recognizes the day-year principle and the four kingdoms of Daniel 2 (i.e., Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece and Rome). [3], When Moses ascended into heaven, he saw God occupied in making little crowns for the letters of the Torah. May 30, 2017 #2. [21], Once he was called upon to decide between a dark-skinned king and the king's wife; the wife having been accused of infidelity after bearing a white child. They said by way of example that Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand pairs of students in an area of land that stretched from Gevat to Antipatris in Judea, and they all died in one period of time, because they did not treat each other with respect.And the world was desolate of Torah until Rabbi Akiva came to our Rabbis in the South and taught his … 3. Ultimately, having successfully spared the lives of thousands, the rabbi was heralded. Akiva and his wife lived in such poverty that they used straw for their bed. The city of his birth was a seat of learning for centuries, and his family was a family of scholars and Rabbis. [3] The only established fact concerning Akiva's connection with Bar Kochba is that he regarded Bar Kochba as the promised Messiah;[31] this is the only evidence of active participation by Akiva in the revolution. The following two illustrations will serve to make this clear:[3], His hermeneutics frequently put him at odds with the letter of the law, as particularly demonstrated by his attitude toward the Samaritans. Ben Kalba Sabu'a replied, "Had I known that he would learn even one chapter or one single halakha, [I would not have made the vow]". Families and Friends of World Bnei Akiva, it's happening! [3], If the older Halakha is to be considered as the product of the internal struggle between Phariseeism and Sadduceeism, the Halacha of Akiva must be conceived as the result of an external contest between Judaism on the one hand and Hellenism and Hellenistic Christianity on the other. He was known in the Talmud simply as Rabbi Eliezer although there are references to him as Rabbi Eliezer the great. So Rabbi Akiva himself entered [his house] to visit him, and because they swept and sprinkled the ground before him, he recovered. Rabbi Akiva, as a young man, did not know a word of Torah. • [3][38], The version in the Babylonian Talmud tells it as a response of Akiva to his students, who asked him how he could yet offer prayers to God. When her father found out she was secretly betrothed[15] to an unlearned man, he was furious. He would make a living by cutting wood from the forest, selling half for his wife's and children's upkeep, and using the other half for keeping a fire burning at night to keep himself warm and to provide light thereby for his own studies. He says to them, "All my life I was worried about the verse, 'with all your soul' (and the sages expounded this to signify), even if He takes away your soul. He is also sometimes credited with redacting Abraham's version of the Sefer Yetzirah, one of the central texts of Jewish mysticism. [14], According to the Talmud, Akiva was a shepherd for Ben Kalba Sabu'a when the latter's daughter noticed his modesty and fine character traits. In either case it would help explain why Akiva did not learn to read Hebrew when he was a child. He was one of the teachers of Rabbi Akiva and lived during the last period of the Second Temple. And it was Rabbi Akiva’s view that ultimately carried the day, as the Rabbis did not stop celebrating at midnight but they continued all night long. The Talmud records him as saying th… He returned twelve years later escorted by 24,000 disciples. [55] Hence his maxim, referred to above, "God rules the world in mercy, but according to the preponderance of good or bad in human acts. [3][24] However, Akiva was just as firmly convinced that the power of the patriarch must be limited both by the written and the oral law, the interpretation of which lay in the hands of the learned; and he was accordingly brave enough to act in ritual matters in Rabban Gamaliel's own house contrary to the decisions of Rabban Gamaliel himself.

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