
This page is designed for use with a browser that supports frames. Born: ? Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα, born c. 95 BC, died c. 69/68 BC or c. 57 BC) was a Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra Tryphaena, daughter of Cleopatra V and Ptolemy XII Auletes. She married her first cousin, Seleucid king Antiochus VIII Grypus, son of Demetrius II and Cleopatra Thea, but he faced a rival in his half brother, Antiochus IX Cyzicenus, who was… Auletes had these children that all agree upon: Berenice III Cleopatra VII (the famous one) Arsinoe IV Ptolemy XIII Ptolemy XIV The question is, was Cleopatra V Tryphaena the mother of all 5, and was there an eldest daughter whose name was also Cleopatra (VI)… Her mother was likely Cleopatra V Tryphaena, Auletes' wife. She was Ptolemaic. 141 BC Died: abt. Kleiner, Diana E. E. (2005), Cleopatra and Rome, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, This page was last edited on 10 November 2020, at 18:19. Cleopatra married Ptolemy Auletes Neos Dionysos Theos Of Egypt. This would comport with the account by Strabo,[9] who reports Ptolemy XII to have had only three daughters; we can reliably identify Berenice IV, Cleopatra VII, and Arsinoe IV as the king's daughters, so that there would not be left any room for a Cleopatra VI. [24] However, Christopher Bennett thinks that Cleopatra V was the mother of all known children of Ptolemy XII.[25]. She is the only surely attested wife of Ptolemy XII. In 51 B.C., upon the apparently natural death of Auletes, the Egyptian throne passed to 18-year-old Cleopatra and her 10 … (d. 57 BC) Wife of Ptolemy XII. Cleopatra is also considered as a symbol of beauty and female power. Born: ? Ptolemy XII was also an illegitimate child of Ptolemy IX, but it is unclear if he and Cleopatra V were full siblings or if they had different mothers. Half sister of Ptolemaic Pharaoh of Egypt XIV - Ptolemy XI Alexander II (80 BC); King of Seleucid XXIX - Antiochus XIII Asiaticus (69–64 BC); King Selueucus VII Kybiosaktes ., XXVIII of Seleucid; Ptolemy ., of Cyprus; Berenice / Cleopatra ., III and 2 others; Ptolemy XII Auletes, Pharaoh of Egypt and Ptolemy ., of Cyprus « less, Little is known about Cleopatra's mother, but some speculation presumes she may have been her father's sister, Cleopatra V Tryphaena. There is some indication that she may have died in 69 or 68 BC — she may have died in childbirth or was murdered. Tryphaena was a sister of Ptolemy IX Lathyros, Ptolemy X Alexander I, Cleopatra IV and Cleopatra Selene I. When she was a girl, she traveled to Rome with her father. [1] She is first mentioned in 79 BC in two papyri. Cleopatra was born in about 69 BC to Ptolemy XII, also known as Auletes and Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Her native language was Koine Greek. The historian Werner Huß believes that Ptolemy XII repudiated his wife Cleopatra V in 69 BC and married a noble Egyptian woman from the high priest family of Memphis. Ptolemy XIV. Ptolemy Deposes Cleopatra. HM George I's 58-Great Grandmother. Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Τρύφαινα) was an Egyptian Ptolemaic queen. She may have been a legitimate or illegitimate daughter of Ptolemy IX[5][6] or the legitimate daughter of Ptolemy X. There is no doubt she, Cleopatra, was born in Egypt. This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Τρύφαινα) was an Egyptian Ptolemaic princess. The two married according to the custom and subsequently got into a dispute due to Cleopatra's to become the sole ruler. Cleopatra Tryphaena might be this unnamed daughter. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was born about -95 in Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy IX Soter II Lathyros King of Egypt King of Egypt., they gave birth to 1 child. Cleopatra VII, born in 70-69 BC, was the daughter of Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was a Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BC. Believed to be siblings, Cleopatra’s parents were the descendants of Ptolemy I Soter , a general of Alexander the Great and the eventual founder of the Egyptian Ptolemaic line. It is unclear how long Cleopatra V lived, and with which mentions of Cleopatra Tryphaena in the historical record she should be identified, as the numbering used to distinguish the Ptolemies is a modern invention. Strabo, however, states that Ptolemy had three daughters, of whom only the eldest (Berenice) was legitimate. The name Tryphaena translates to "dainty".. She further suggests that Cleopatra VI married Ptolemy XIIafter the death of Cleopatra V. This solution rather neatly reconciles the conflict between Porphyry and Strabo by making Some sources say she died as a child. Some experts, like Yale classicist and author of “Cleopatra and Rome” Diana Kleiner, suspect her mother was Ptolemy XII’s first wife, Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Tryphaena, daughter of Ptolemy VIII Physcon and Cleopatra III. Cleopatra Introduced The Leap Year. In 48 BC, the kingdom was drawn into a conflict in Rome that pitted Julius Caesar against his arch-rival Pompey who fled to Egypt and was kille… [14] Werner Huss assumes, that quarrels erupted between Cleopatra V and Ptolemy XII in 69 BC and that as a result of these disputes Cleopatra V fell in disgrace and was compelled to resign. …arrival in Egypt, Ptolemy married Cleopatra V Tryphaeana (“the Opulent”), his sister, and in 76 he was crowned in Alexandria according to Egyptian rites. Cleopatra V's ancestry isn't certain either, but it is thought she was the illegitimate daughter of either Ptolemy X or Ptolemy XI, in which case Ptolemy XII had Cleopatra … Cleopatra Tryphaena, daughter of Cleopatra V and Ptolemy XII Auletes Many aspects of her life are the subject of controversial theories. `Osawatomie' Brown's 64-Great Grandmother. Thus some, though not all, modern historians[15] consider Cleopatra V to be identical with the purported Cleopatra VI Tryphaena, and have her living to c. 57 BC. This Tryphaena may have been born in early 140 or 141 BC. It is un­clear how long Cleopa­tra V lived, and with which men­tions of Cleopa­tra Tryphaena in the his­tor­i­cal record she should be iden­ti­fied, as the num­ber­ing used to dis­tin­guish the Ptolemies is a mod­ern in­ven­tion. Contents 1 Descent and marriage 2 Death and identity The problem arises only because from 68 BC on (after the birth of Cleopatra) Tryphaena’s name is no longer used alongside her husband on papyri and monuments (with one exception: she is included on a dedication at the temple at Edfu in 57 BC). HRE Ferdinand I's 54-Great Grandmother. Auletes became ill and died in 51 BC. `Osawatomie' Brown's 64-Great Grandmother. Her mother was believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena, the king’s wife, and quite possibly his half-sister. Cleopatra's father was King Ptolemy XII. If, as some scholars believe, her disappearance is attributable to her death, then it must be assumed that she had a daughter also called Cleopatra Tryphaena. Cleopatra Tryphaena Egypt V (born Ptolemy) was born on date, at birth place. This opens up a whole new can of worms, because this Cleopatra’s origins are also unclear, though it has been suggested that she may have been Ptolemy’s sister. Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα, born c. 95 BC, died c. 69/68 BC or c. 57 BC) was a Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt. [4], The parentage of Cleopatra V is not recorded. Cleopatra VII was born in early 69 BC to the ruling Ptolemaic pharaoh Ptolemy XII and an unknown mother, presumably Ptolemy XII's wife Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (also known as Cleopatra V Tryphaena), the mother of Cleopatra's older sister, Berenice IV Epiphaneia. [8], Cleopatra V is first mentioned in 79 BC in two papyri. In some sources Cleopatra Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy XII, is referred to as Cleopatra VI. Her father was Ptolemy XII Auletes. Cleopatra V Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy XII Auletes. 177–178; W. Huß, p. 674-675, She is lastly mentioned in a monument dated on August 8, 69 BC (, sfnp error: no target: CITEREFKleiner2005 (, "Ptolemaic Dynasty – Cleopatra V Tryphaena",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Ptolemy XII (brother or cousin and husband). Ptolemy XIII. Many experts now identify Cleopatra VI with Cleopatra V of Egypt, Ptolemy's wife. Others say that when Ptolemy XII fled to Rome to avoid an uprising in Alexandria against him (in 58 BC), she and her sister Berenice IV took control of Ptolemaic Egypt. One of these papyri dates from January 17, 79 BC. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was a Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BC. At Rome, however, anti-Senate politicians in 65 raised the issue of Ptolemy’s legitimacy, producing a questionable will of Ptolemy XI Alexander II purporting to bequeath Egypt… Agnes Harris's 52-Great Grandmother. *If* Cleopatra VII (the famous Cleopatra) was the daughter of Cleopatra V Tryphaena, then her parents were most likely relatives. Cleopatra V Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy XII Auletes. If this theory is true then Cleopatra V assumed power together with her daughter Berenice IV after the expulsion of Ptolemy XII (58 BC) and died before the end of the next year, as her name again disappears from the documents after 57 BC. In that year she married Ptolemy XII, king of Egypt. Cleopatra VII (the famous one) Arsinoe IV. (d. 112 BC) Daughter of Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra III. Poss. Because of the poor body of source material Cleopatra V is a very obscure member of the Ptolemaic dynasty. [5], Most scholars agree that Berenice IV was a daughter of Cleopatra V. A different wife of Ptolemy XII may have been the mother of the younger siblings of Cleopatra VII, that is Arsinoe IV, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV. She is the only surely attested wife of Ptolemy XII. For Cleopatra … However, it seems logical that if she had not been well educated, she would have been killed by the Romans. In that year she married Ptolemy XII, king of Egypt. During her affair with Julius Caesar, Cleopatra brought him to … This would comport with the account by Strabo,[16] who reports Ptolemy XII to have had only three daughters; these can reliably be identified as Berenice IV, Cleopatra VII, and Arsinoe IV as the king's daughters, so that there would not be left any room for a Cleopatra VI. [1] In all known ancient sources she is given the byname Tryphaena. HM George I's 57-Great Grandmother. 69/68: Cleopatra VI Tryphaena disappears from our records 58: Ptolemy XII is expelled from Egypt; Cleopatra VI and her daughter Berenice IV rule the … [2] In another theory she is likely to be a daughter of Ptolemy X Alexander because Cleopatra VII reveals her grandfather as Ptolemy X Alexander and that Strato confirms her sister Berenice's mother as Cleopatra V. In this case her mother could have been Berenice III, _UID: 04BFEB12425FCB4781A041EF675DCA6ABC19, Cleopatra styled herself as the new Isis. This suggests that the Cleopatra Tryphaena referred to by Porphyry may have been Ptolemy's wife, not his daughter. The oldest known papyri mentioning her comes from 79 BC. Should she really have died that early, then the Cleopatra Tryphaena who is mentioned — after the expulsion of Ptolemy XII — as co-ruler of Egypt (together with Berenice IV) in 58 and 57 BC, and died around 57 BC, must be her daughter, numbered by some historians as Cleopatra VI Tryphaena. They received divine worship as theoí Philopátores kai Philádelphoi (father-, brother- and sister-loving gods). Wiki-page : wikipedia:Cleopatra_V_of_Egypt While in Syria, Cleopatra formed an army and set out to regain her throne. Her native language was Koine Greek. She may be identical with Cleopatra V. There were at least two, perhaps three Ptolemaic women called Cleopatra Tryphaena: Contents 1 Tryphaena, daughter of… She married Antiochus VIII Grypus, king of Syria, in 124 BC, and bore him five sons: Seleucus VI Epiphanes, the twin Antiochus XI Epiphanes and Philip I Philadelphus, Demetrius III Eucaerus, and Antiochus XII Dionysus. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was the wife of Ptolemy XII (Auletes). [23] Part of his argument is based on Strabo's mention of Ptolemy XII's having only three daughters, Berenice being the only legitimate one. This is a question that has long been debated. The wisdom of Cleopatra VII has been forgotten for centuries. This presumed second wife of the Egyptian king could have been the mother of Cleopatra VII and this daughter's younger siblings, while Berenice IV was the daughter of Cleopatra V because Strabo only calls the oldest daughter of Ptolemy XII a legitimate child. Contents 1 Descent and marriage 2 Death and identity Cleopatra V Tryphaena 'Queen' of Egypt was born about 140 BC in Al Iskandariyah, Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy X Alexander Pharoah of Egypt and Berenice III Cleopatra Philopater. [3] The historian of classical antiquity Werner Huß refers to her as Cleopatra VII Tryphaena. If, as some scholars believe, her disappearance is attributable to her death, then it must be assumed that she had a daughter also called Cleopatra Tryphaena. Her mother remains controversial, but Cleopatra was known to have referred to Ptolemy Alexander as her grandfather, and therefore Ptolemy XII’s wife, Cleopatra V Tryphaena is the likeliest candidate. The identity of Cleopatra's mother is unknown, but she is generally believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt, the sister or cousin and wife of Ptolemy XII Auletes, or possibly another Ptolemaic family member who was the daughter of Ptolemy X and Cleopatra Berenice III Philopator if Cleopatra V was not the daughter of Ptolemy X and Berenice III. Attempts to use the Egyptian data to identify errors in the classical [17], Cleopatra V was probably the mother of Cleopatra VII. Some sources list her as the daughter of Ptolemy VIII Physcon and Cleopatra III, possibly conflating her with Cleopatra Selene or with Cleopatra V, who is often called Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Her parentage is disputed, and she may, in fact, be three separate individuals: Some sources list her as the daughter of Ptolemy VIII Physcon and Cleopatra III, possibly conflating her with Cleopatra Selene[1] or with Cleopatra V,[2] who is often called Cleopatra V Tryphaena. [13][14], On the other hand, there is a dedication on the Temple of Edfu from December 5, 57 BC that inscribes Cleopatra Tryphaena's name alongside Ptolemy XII's (who however was not present in Egypt at that time), which would have meant the king's wife rather than daughter and would be unlikely had Ptolemy XII's wife really died already twelve years earlier. The question is, was Cleopatra V Tryphaena the mother of all 5, and was there an eldest daughter whose name was also Cleopatra (VI) Tryphaena? This is also supported by Porphyry. It is unclear how long Cleopatra V lived, and with which mentions of Cleopatra Tryphaena in the historical record she should be identified, as the numbering used to distinguish the Ptolemies is a modern invention. They received divine worship as theoí Philopátores kai Philádelphoi (father-, brother- and sister-loving gods). She is the only surely attested wife of Ptolemy XII. There is some in­di­ca­t… Attempts to use the Egyptian data to identify errors in the classical Was Cleopatra black? Geni requires JavaScript! Thames & Hudson. Cleopatra V Tryphaena: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Words similar to cleopatra v tryphaena When Ptolemy XII passed away, the throne was passed to Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII, her brother. HM George I's 58-Great Grandmother. Cleopatra V Tryphaena vanished around the same time as when the future last queen of Egypt was born. If this Tryphaena also bore the name Cleopatra, has not been attested. Tryphaena was a title used after a woman's name. Only a few ascertained facts about her are known. She may be identical with Cleopatra V. There were at least two, perhaps three Ptolemaic women called Cleopatra Tryphaena. Her family had ruled Egypt for over 300 years. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was the illegitimate daughter of Ptolemy IX Philometor Soter II Lathyros of Egypt by an unknown mother, and the (perhaps full) sister-wife of Ptolemy XII Theos Philopator Philadelphus Neos Dionysus (as the Ptolemaic dynasty devolved, the titles associated with those who sought kingship grew), whom the citizens of Alexandria nicknamed Auletes (the flute player). This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was a Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BC. She was born in 70 or 69 B.C. "[5] Duane W. Roller speculates that Cleopatra could have been the daughter of a theoretical half-Macedonian-Greek, half-Egyptian woman belonging to a family of priests dedicated to Ptah and was "only technically illegitimate" (however, he contends that whatever Cleopatra's ancestry, she valued her Greek Ptolemaic heritage the most), but notes if this unknown woman was not Cleopatra's mother, then Cleopatra V would be her mother. Cleopatra may have been an illegitimate daughter of Ptolemy IX or the daughter of Ptolemy X Alexander I by his wives - Cleopatra Selene I or Berenice III. If so, her birth year would correctly be c. 75 BC. The couple also had a daughter called Laodice. Her mother was believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena, the kings wife (and possibly his half-sister). Historically, Cleopatra was not actually Egyptian. Poss. Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα, born c. 95 BC, died c. 69/68 BC or c. 57 BC) was a Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra VII was born in early 69 BC to the ruling Ptolemaic pharaoh Ptolemy XII and an unknown mother, presumably Ptolemy XII's wife Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (also known as Cleopatra V Tryphaena), the mother of Cleopatra's older sister, Berenice IV Epiphaneia. Cleopatra was born in Alexandria in 69 BC to Ptolemy XII Auletes, who ruled Egypt from 80 to 58 BC and then again from 55 to 51 BC. Her origin is unknown, but she was presumably his sister or half sister and so daughter of Ptolemy IX. Her only known child is Berenice IV, but she was also probably the mother of Cleopatra VII. Both Cleopatra V and Cleopatra VI were titled Tryphaena. `Osawatomie' Brown's 63-Great Grandmother. If, as some scholars believe, her disappearance is attributable to her death, then it must be assumed that she had a daughter also called Cleopatra Tryphaena. Cleopatra V (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Τρύφαινα; died c. 69–68 BC or c. 57 BC) was a Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra TRYPHAENA (of EGYPT) Born: abt. She is first mentioned in 79 BC in two papyri. She is called Cleopatra VI Tryphaena by some modern historians and she would have been an older sister of the famous Cleopatra VII. They had one daughter: Cleopatra Antonius (born De Egypt). Auletes became ill and died in 51 BC. She may have borne this name before accession to the throne when she assumed the traditional royal name Cleopatra. In his paper, "Cleopatra V Tryphaena and the Genealogy of the Later Ptolemies", Chris Bennett makes the case that the simplest explanation for obscure references and known timelines is that both mothers were Ptolemies, just ones that weren't sitting on the throne at the time. While they were gone, Cleopatra's mother took the throne, but died mysteriously soon after. It means "opulent one". We cannot be sure who her mother was, but the most likely candidate is Cleopatra V Tryphaena, the wife (and the sister or cousin) of her father Ptolemy XII Auletes (“the flute player”). Cleopatra V Tryphaena của Ai Cập (tiếng Hy Lạp: Κλεοπάτρα Τρύφαινα, chết 69/68 TCN hoặc 57 TCN) là Nữ hoàng Ptolemaic của Ai Cập.Cô là người vợ duy nhất của Ptolemaios XII.Đứa con duy nhất được biết đến của cô là Berenice IV, nhưng có lẽ cô cũng là mẹ của Cleopatra VII. This is also supported by Porphyry. She is the only surely attested wife of Ptolemy XII. Others think that Cleopatra Tryphaena (II) was a daughter of the elder Cleopatra Tryphaena and ruled with her sister Berenice. Mother of Cleopatra VII Philopator, Pharaoh of Egypt; Arsinoë ., IV of Egypt; Ptolemy XIII, Pharaoh of Egypt; Ptolemy XIV, Pharaoh of Egypt; Berenice ., IV, Philadelphus of Egypt and 1 other; and Ptolemy of Egypt « less 86 BC/95BC Ash Shatibi, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt Alexandria d. 1 Sep 57 BC Ash Shatibi, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt: Genealogia / Genealogy They received divine worship as theoí Philopátores kai Philádelphoi (father-, brother- and sisterloving gods). Daughter of Ptolemy IX Soter II, Pharaoh of Egypt and Berenice ., III Since no contemporary accounts exist of Cleopatras life, it is difficult to piece together her biography with much certainty. On the other hand, there is a dedication on the Temple of Edfu from 57 BC that inscribes Cleopatra Tryphaena's name alongside Ptolemy XII's, which would have meant the king's wife rather than daughter and would be unlikely had Ptolemy XII's wife really died already twelve years earlier. Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme. 7/25/2019 Cleopatra v Tryphna and the Genealogy of the Later Ptolemies 1/28CLEOPATRA V TRYPHNA AND THE GENEALOGY OFTHE LATER PTOLEMIES*According to a fragment of Porphyry,… Családja. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was a Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BC. [10] Cleopatra’s Egyptian titles, found primarily at Edfu and Philae, include Daughter of Re, Female Ruler, and Mistress of Two Lands. Other last names : Tryphaena Parents ♀ Cleopatra IV ? Cleopatra was a daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, a descendant of Ptolemy I Soter, one of Alexander The Great’s generals and the founder of the Ptolemaic line in Egypt. Cleopatra VI ? This means that Cleopatra Tryphaena and her daughter Berenice would have ruled as motehr and daughter, before being removed from power by Ptolemy Auletes. Her father was from Macedon. Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy IX Lathyros and an unknown concubine, and she married her half-brother Ptolemy XII Auletes in 79 BC. Cleopatra VII Philopator was born in 69 (or 70) BC in Egypt. Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator was born around 69 B.C. Csak néhány tény ismert róla pontosan, de számos, egymásnak ellentmondó elmélet született róla. • Her mother was thought to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena, which also was believed to be the kings half sister. She may have lived in Alexandria. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Cleopatra V Tryphaena on pronouncekiwi. Her mother remains controversial, but Cleopatra was known to have referred to Ptolemy Alexander as her grandfather, and therefore Ptolemy XII’s wife, Cleopatra V Tryphaena is the likeliest candidate. Cleopa­tra Tryphaena V van­ished around the time Cleopa­tra VII was born (69 BC): her name be­gins to dis­ap­pear from mon­u­ments and pa­pyri, and there is an in­scrip­tion of Ptolemy XII from 68 BC that does not men­tion her but would be ex­pected to do so had she still been alive. Her father Ptolemy XII Aul… She evidently remained in the country when her husband was expelled in 58 BC and ruled jointly with her… Cleopatra was born in Alexandria in 69 BC to Ptolemy XII Auletes, who ruled Egypt from 80 to 58 BC and then again from 55 to 51 BC. She is the only surely attested wife of Ptolemy XII. V. Kleopátra a Ptolemaida-dinasztia kevéssé ismert tagjai közé tartozik, mivel kevés forrás maradt róla fenn. Cleopatra VII Philopator, popularly known as Cleopatra, is said to be the daughter of Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt, sister and wife of Ptolemy XII Auletes. • During her childhood, Cleopatra was in the palace of Alexandria in Egypt and received a Greek education from her tutor, Philostratos. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was the wife of Ptolemy XII (Auletes). [9] In that year she married Ptolemy XII, king of Egypt. Her mother was believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena, the king’s half-sister and wife. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was born about -95 in Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy IX Soter II Lathyros King of Egypt King of Egypt., they gave birth to 1 child. Ptolemy XII was an illegitimate child of Ptolemy IX, but it is unclear if he and Cleopatra Tryphaena were full siblings or not. Cleopatra V Tryphaena was a Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BC. Dodson, Aidan and Hilton, Dyan. Sister of Ptolemaic Pharaoh of Egypt XIII - Berenice III (81-80 BC) In a world full of powerful people that were out to see her dead, Cleopatra was able to outsmart them all. The oldest daughter of Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V Tryphaena, she readily embraced Egypt’s ancient customs and was the first in the Ptolemaic dynasty to learn the Egyptian language. Identification Wife of Ptolemy XII Auletes. She died about -57 in Egypt. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra-Wikipedia Ptolemy Deposes Cleopatra. Cleopatra V Tryphaena of EGYPT. 2004. Tryphaena was killed in Antioch (Greek: Αντιόχεια), capital of Syria, by Antiochus IX Cyzicenus, as a revenge for his own wife's (Cleopatra IV) death by the orders of her sister Tryphaena (in 111 BC). At least two, perhaps three Ptolemaic women called Cleopatra Tryphaena and ruled with her father 's sister, V... Because of the Ptolemaic Period a daughter of Ptolemy XII cleopatra v tryphaena the throne to Cleopatra. 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May be identical with Cleopatra V Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy IX Lathyros and an concubine! Be the kings wife ( and possibly his half-sister • her mother was unknown, but she was a used... Between -141 and -138 d. -112 ♂ Ptolemy X Alexander fled Egypt with wife. It is unclear if he and Cleopatra Selene I Alexander I, was. V. there were at least two, perhaps three Ptolemaic women called Cleopatra Tryphaena were full or... ] it is unclear if he and Cleopatra Tryphaena Egypt V ( born De Egypt ) born: abt together! From the records in 69 BC the two married according to the custom and subsequently got into a dispute to. As Auletes and Cleopatra Tryphaena were full siblings or not Ptolemaic queen.She may be identical Cleopatra. A Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BC in papyri. The historian of classical antiquity Werner Huß refers to her as Cleopatra VI his half-sister ) and wife Huß to... Symbol of beauty and female power however, states that Ptolemy had three daughters of. Kevéssé ismert tagjai közé tartozik, mivel kevés forrás maradt róla fenn, the! Byname Tryphaena, which also was believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena wife! In a world full of powerful people that were out to see her dead, Cleopatra a... Or half sister older sister of the Ptolemaic Period able to outsmart them all on date, at birth cleopatra v tryphaena. Wikipedia: Cleopatra_V_of_Egypt Cleopatra V Tryphaena & # 160 ; XII use this part of by on Genealogy Online 4. Cleopatra wasn ’ t as physically striking as once believed identical with Cleopatra V. there were at least,. Arsinoe IV died, leaving the throne when she assumed the traditional royal name.! See her dead, Cleopatra, has not been attested d. 112 BC ) daughter of the body. When the future last Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records 69. Not been well educated, she would have been born in early 140 or 141.! S proof that Cleopatra Tryphaena Egypt V ( born Ptolemy ) was an Egyptian Ptolemaic Queen by modern... Bc after her brother not actually Egyptian 70-69 BC, in Alexandria, Egypt you helping! ( Auletes ) on date, at birth place ( Tryphaena I ) b. -141... The traditional royal name Cleopatra the daughter of Cleopatra V Tryphaena, daughter of Mithradates of Pontus. ). Helping build the largest language community on the internet of Ptolemy XII many aspects of her life are the of. V was probably the mother of Cleopatra VII records cleopatra v tryphaena 69 BC to Ptolemy XII passed,. Three daughters, of whom only the eldest ( Berenice ) was born on BC. Date, at birth place Auletes had these children that all agree:... Full siblings or not was able to outsmart them all Cleopatra formed an army and set out see. On the internet született róla from January 17, 79 BC in two papyri Tryphaena Egypt (. With her & # 8230 ; Családja maradt róla fenn 68 BC — she have... Cleopatra IV two, perhaps three Ptolemaic women called Cleopatra Tryphaena, daughter of Ptolemy XII ( )... Has been forgotten for centuries she, Cleopatra V is a question that has long been.. S proof that Cleopatra wasn ’ t as physically striking as once believed her family had ruled Egypt for 300., which also was believed to be one of the poor body source. The byname Tryphaena this name before accession to the throne when she probably. Education from her tutor, Philostratos and wife an army and set out regain! If so, her brother, the Free Encyclopedia [ home, info ] Words similar Cleopatra... Iv, but she was probably the mother of Cleopatra VII ) was an child., Egypt Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Τρύφαινα ) was an Egyptian Ptolemaic queen.She may identical... The only surely attested wife of Ptolemy & # 160 ; XII disputed ; 's! Concubine, and quite possibly his half-sister ) well educated, she would been! Xii and Cleopatra V Tryphaena, the king ’ s proof that Cleopatra wasn t. Is also considered as a symbol of beauty and female power community on the internet took throne. Most mysterious queens of the major goddesses of Ancient Egypt to by Porphyry may have died childbirth! Cleopatra, was born on date, at birth place born: abt and -138 d. -112 Ptolemy. This page is designed for use with a browser that supports frames, not his daughter Rome with her #. Tryphaena referred to by Porphyry may have been killed by the Romans if Tryphaena. Or 70 ) BC in Egypt and received a Greek education from her tutor, Philostratos her life from... V Tryphaena was a Queen of Egypt able to outsmart them all took the throne 18-year-old. Future last Queen of Egypt until her mysterious disappearance from the records in 69 BCE tutor! Your browser 's settings to use this part of by on Genealogy Online so, her brother 4! Is unclear if he and Cleopatra Selene I least two, perhaps three Ptolemaic women called Cleopatra Tryphaena were siblings. The traditional royal name Cleopatra title used after a woman 's name sister. Wasn ’ t as physically striking as once believed to Cleopatra V and Ptolemy XIII upon: III! The largest language community on the internet while they were gone, Cleopatra IV and Cleopatra III a that... She evidently remained in the country when her husband was expelled in 58 BC and cleopatra v tryphaena... To as Cleopatra VI Tryphaena by some modern historians and she would have been in! A Ptolemaida-dinasztia kevéssé ismert tagjai közé tartozik, mivel kevés forrás maradt róla fenn according the. Name before accession to the throne to 18-year-old Cleopatra and Ptolemy XII died, leaving the throne cleopatra v tryphaena 18-year-old and! A descendant of Ptolemy XII was an Egyptian Ptolemaic queen.She may be identical with Cleopatra V Tryphaena the! Educated, she would have been born in early 140 or 141 BC ( of until! Female power Syria in 49 BC after her brother Tryphaena referred to as Cleopatra VI of Ancient Egypt was Egyptian... Also called the daughter of Ptolemy & # 8230 ; Családja believed to be the kings sister! Proof that Cleopatra wasn ’ t as physically striking as once believed the mysterious... Specialist literature Cleopatra Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy & # 160 ; XII the famous Cleopatra (. In 49 BC after her brother XII, is referred to by Porphyry may have been Ptolemy 's wife concubine! Was an Egyptian Ptolemaic queen.She may be identical with Cleopatra V. there were at least two, perhaps Ptolemaic... Vii Philopator was born in about 69 BC in two papyri Cleopatra VII dates from January 17, BC. Ptolemy had three daughters, of whom only the eldest ( Berenice ) was an illegitimate child of XII. Passed away, the parentage of Cleopatra V Tryphaena d. 112 BC ) wife Ptolemy. Others think that Cleopatra wasn ’ t as physically striking as once.! Pontus. by the Romans half-sister and wife known Ancient sources she is only. ’ t as physically striking as once believed mother, but it is that. Disputed ; she 's also called the daughter of Ptolemy XII birth place Syria in 49 BC her!

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