
So, sounds like a winner. . And I didn’t see any of the ways to make it in the cold process . Previous post: Hand Papermaking with Yucca,,,,,,,,,,, Pure Olive Oil Soap Recipe (Castile Soap), 3 Things Before You Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar, 10 Things You Should Know Before Making Homemade Laundry Detergent, 10 Things About Homemade Dishwasher Detergent, LHITS Knit Dishcloth Pattern: Blackberries, LHITS Knitted Dishcloth Patterns: Ramen Noodle, After I started to use homemade soap, every other soap seemed so artificially-fragranced and I came to dislike how the fake scent from the lab-produced fragrance oil lingered uncomfortably on my skin, Homemade soap has become my favorite small gift, either by itself or as part of a gift basket; people really seem to appreciate it and are amazed that you made it yourself, I love watching the ingredients come together and turn into something special. Happy soaping! Add lye to water and stir gently to dissolve (l like to set the bowl in the sink before I add the lye and do my pouring and mixing in the sink), Allow the lye water to cool for a few minutes so it’s not super hot; combining the lye and water produces heat. 100% Olive Oil Soap (also know as Castile Soap) INGREDIENTS. Geesh! Hi. Who knows. I made a triple batch of hot process soap yesterday. I just ordered the lye for this project. Thanks, Jenn. Both hot and cold process soaps involve melting down oils, adding a mixture of water and lye, then agitating the soap by hand or with a stick blender until it reaches “trace.” Both techniques require adding shea butter with the initial fats and melting them down before adding lye. Lesson learned: if it isn’t working, let it age. I love your website. Then you would stir in your additives and mold it. M–Naw, saponified oils is just a fancy way to say “soap.” If they say that, and don’t say “lye”, they’ve just managed to convey that they used lye without saying the word itself. With cold processing, the water/lye mixture is mixed with the oil mixture and the resulting mixture is poured into insulated molds. sodium hydroxide ; 12 oz. Deb–The lye calc says: 8-12 oz. I have left it for 24 out of laziness and it was fine. I made this for the first time today and I had white foam on the bottom and sides. Thanks! Then instead of a golden beautiful color from goat milk, you will get a brown. For the Honey and Oatmeal version, add 3 Tablespoons of honey as soon as the soap has passed the zap test (at the point when you would be adding the essential oils). This recipe has far too much water for the amount of lye and oils. Utemiljö Skola. It makes great soap, and takes fragrances well. I gave lots of it away, and everyone I gave it to LOVED it. Crock pot soap is sometimes called hot process, ... ⅔ cup olive oil (find good olive oil here) ⅔ cup coconut oil (buy it in bulk for soap making here) ⅔ cup other liquid oil such as grapeseed, almond, sunflower, or safflower oil (find them here) Process. I know that the lye is still very strong. I’m wondering if a 1.5quart size crockpot is big enough to make batches. It sounds like she did the same thing I did. Hi I was wondering how big is the crockpot you use in this tutorial? I already had my milk in the freezer. If you want to use all lard for that same size batch, i.e. i live in southern europe-mediteranean-Greece and traditional soaps here are with olive oil. Any soap can be made with just one oil, but the only ones we recommend using up to 100% are olive oil or coconut oil. Have you ever wanted to make your own soap? The soap has traced but will not go into that next step, in fact the oil is separating a bit. Soap for sensitive skin, elder skin or baby skin should include high amounts of olive (60%). Awesome, carla! This thick and moisturizing cosmetic oil is perfect for caring for sensitive skin as it is highly conditioning. Thank you! I have a confession. Sorry but Castille is ONLY olive oil, please stop spreading misinformation so the real soapers out there will no longer have to keep straightening out this crap. olive oil (emollient and gentle) 6 oz. Anyway, when it was done, I blopped it into the mold. If this happens, you should put the stick blender back in and get it back to trace. Mnemonic device–remember ‘snow falling on a lake’ is the right way. I think I’m going to stick with cp for the most part. Click here for my step by step guide for soap making cold process and click here for the hot process method. I am hooked on crockpot soaping!! Was there a post on this blog about using a slow cooker to rebatch soap? Soap recipes are created with certain oils for a reason. I don’t use dyes. Working on it right now! Next is to get the castor oil. It’s still tingy to the tongue. I do hate waiting for it to cure, though, so I see your point. ), Turn heat on low and allow to melt if necessary (coconut is solid above ~70 deg.). Hmmm, after 4 hours of cooking, I had to go to bed (12:15 a.m. at this point)!!!!! If you want to “make” soap without lye, you will have to go the melt-and-pour route. Can’t wait to make some more and add some yummy scents. It is expensive here and I have to search it out at farm stores. Thanks for the great info! HP recipes and CP recipes should different in liquid…most lye calculators don’t take that into account, hence I don’t use them!. And does anyone have a basic recipe for a milk soap using lard only? Chung Cư Hưng Ngân. I’ve been making hp crock-pot soap for years and won’t use any other soap. The honey does need to be added at trace. Right now I am trying a new recipe that is a bit different and used soy oil. Quick question…. If you cook to the point that the soap is “done”, you then let it cool down to about 140 degrees and then add you scent and other additives. Oh, I forgot! Sounds like things were headed downhill already and the honey was just the final straw at that point. Would like to see them too. I made this soap several months ago. See how to make from scratch 100% Castile Olive Oil Hot Process Soap. coconut oil (helps make a good hard bar) 3 oz. The lye will eat through the metal blades. The soap at the point you showed first going into the mold is not soap at all–just a blend of oils and lye…in other words…not safe to use and it will burn and scar you if you are not careful. of fat, and my mold is a 2 lb. The liquid suggested for those oils (1 # coconut and 3 # lard) is 16-24 oz. I wish I had the patience to make soap… but admittedly I don’t . Then pour the lye water into the oils in the crock pot and give it a gentle stir. Overcooked because I wasn’t getting that jelled look. Where would I find the actual recipe for the Oatmeal & Honey Castile soap that you used in the crockpot tutorial? Continue stirring until it begins to darken and become more opaque and waxy. You have won the “I love your blog” award: Thank you for taking the time to do this. sunflower oil ; 4.25 oz. (This isn’t the hot part of the hot process soap recipe! Great job! It’s the only way to do it! I am just after hot processing a soap with high olive oil content. Thank you for the excellent tutorial and the links for the molds and guillotine!!! The soap did look like your pics. If you are just starting to make soap, I recommend using a recipe that doesn’t have add-ins such as oatmeal and which use milk. Which look like might be spots of honey. Katrianna–You could do a small batch. also within the recipe’s 24 oz. Both of these homemade olive oil soap recipes can be adapted by adding your favorite essential/fragrance oil or adding a few flowers or herbs. I referred to it many times as I made my own crock pot soap. I am in Columbus Ga. Hi, Pure oil soaps are NOT Castille, 100% olive ONLY as this is the recipe originally from Castille. Click here for cold process soap making recipe directions. The others can feel too sticky, too hard, etc. Also, while the bar of soap is very hard, that does not mean it won’t melt away if you leave it sit in a puddle of water. Also, I have a soap stamp I got made in Canada. I’ll try it, it can’t hurt! I am very amateur at this. Soap making is kinda addictive, isn’t it? Jennifer P–You can probably find a fragrance oil that smells like leather. 77 grams lye (sodium hydroxide) 228 grams distilled water *Please note this recipe will make a soap with very little bubbles. Is there a place to purchase saponified oils? Put the lid on the slow cooker and let it heat up on low. I used to use the double boiler and double batch the soap. Been earning my living for 15 years with my soaps. Gotta make new labels now. Remove the immersion blender, unplug it, rinse it, and set it aside. Patti Anderson–This was a recipe from here: You can make it in any mold you prefer. Lee–Yes, you’ve got the idea. 100 Olive Oil Soap Recipe Hot Process. Try also for rebatching tips. . . Tagged as: Hi. Is this lye already mixed in with the oils? Add-ins is an issue you can battle after you have a couple unqualified successes under your belt. I did a rebatch (put all back in crockpot and added some water) once it was all melted and clearish, I quickly repoured into the mold and didn’t mess around with it. goat milk. A long lasting mild bar comes with age, there is just no way around it. Good luck! Would you put it in with the oils or with the oat flour? I have done this recipe when you first posted this and loved the ease and quickness of it. Well, it’s in the mold! Me again. hot process soap recipe, I have a few questions and a comment. 12 Hot Process Soap Recipes: Castile Hot Process Soap Recipe. castile is just olive oil. All I have to get online with is my phone and it won’t run the soap calculator right. Do I just divide the recipe that you gave me, or will it need to be recalculated? 64 oz. odd, Thank you! What could have happened? Angela–Hope it ends up ok. Val–Thank you! brown paper sealed with glue stick makes an easy, biodegradable packaging. I looks like curdled cheese and it has oil sitting on top. I’ll start with the comment. And now my bars are cut. Easier than I thought but it set up very quickly, I am a bit worried about how well it will hold up to slicing. Plug in your immersion blender and lower it to the bottom of the crock pot into the oil mixture. Using your spoon, stir the mixture down, scraping the bottom and sides. I love making my own soap several times a year. It smells so wonderful and I am so excited that I don’t have to wait 3 to 4 weeks for it to cure! I hope you give it a try, you’ll love it! I wasn’t brave enough to add more. I checked my lye content and it was correct. Don’t stick your head over the lye mixture during or after the add–avert your face because it can gives off fumes, The immersion blender goes carefully into the lye water+oil, slowly rotate the blender around the bottom of the pot until it reaches trace, a pretty thick trace–it doesn’t have to get this thick to be ready. I am looking for the clear like soap with glycerine in it. Warm the olive oil in its pan on low until it reaches about 100°F / 38°C. Sharon, immersion blender is the only way to efficiently make soap using lye; saponification by hand just takes far too long. Bastile is the combined oils version. It turned brown and curdled. This is Oliviada handmade soap from olive oil. When do you turn on the crock pot? The advantage of hot process recipes are that the bars are ready almost immediately, rather than having to wait the month or more before you could use Cold Process soap. coconut oil ; 8 oz. You can check if it is done by touching the soap to the tip of your tongue. It came out perfectly! Hi thanks for sharing, i can translate it to spanish and post in my blog or in youtube channel, ill say u are a author or original font.. bye. Could I use a different oil such as coconut, almond or argan oils. Hot processing your olive oil soap will definitely speed up the curing process. Melt and Pour is a glycerin soap that artisans melt first, then pour into various molds for use. olive oil ; 6 oz. Why do some soaps have saponified oils as the ingredients? Oils are added to soap recipes to add bubbliness, as well as cleansing, moisturizing, hardness, creaminess, and conditioning properties. Great pictures and blog–just wanted to make sure you end up with a safe product that won’t remove three layers of skin or blind you. Homemade olive oil soap feels gentle and works on all skin types including rough and dry or sensitive skin. I saw a seller that claimed that because they use the HP method there soap is fresh. I was just sitting and making a list of things I need for my first batch. . 17 bars of wonderful soap!! Thank you! You answered my question. Thank you. See how to make from scratch 100% Castile Olive Oil Hot Process Soap. Seemed to lather better. Measure water and pour into pitcher or non-aluminum bowl. HP should really cure for the same amount of time as CP, even though there are those saying it doesn’t. Also, for any basic soap recipe, can you use milk for the liquid, and still use the same amount of lye and oils? Stir and then it is ready for the mold. Maybe it will reabsorb with time. I guess you can just mold it and hope for the best. I forgot to mention that my crock pot comfortably makes a batch of soap using 32oz. However, I’d stay away from recipes that call for lots of additions like dairy or texture, especially at first. ), soap mold (or an empty Pringles can, a washed milk carton, or special soap molds from the craft and hobby store. I have been blending the oils and lye for twenty minutes and can’t get it to trace, so finally I turned on the crock pot to cook…I’m thinking maybe you cook while you are blending yours? I never made CP soap before…can I put this in a mold and let it cure for 4 weeks? Deb–I believe, in theory, cp and hp recipes are similar proportions. I made my first batch on Monday. We have all of our CP on our website and soon we will have the HP! Can’t wait to see how it turns out. It will begin to start to look like applesauce and become a bit waxy-looking. Hot Process Soap Recipe 36 oz. Here’s one of my favorite soap recipes, one I included in our book, which, incidentally, has a great section (if I say so myself) on soap-making and four of our favorite recipes for soap, as well as lots of other homemade goodies that go great in a gift basket with soap. If it zaps, it needs to cook some more. Technically the soap at this point is ready to be used, but it will improve and harden with a couple of weeks curing time. Can it be fixed??? I think I know what went wrong with the setting to begin with, I have watched a lot of different HP soap videos and in many of them they let it bubble over 2 or 3 times until it’s thick like mashed potatoes. lol. Fats, oils and butters. Hot processing adds an additional step of “cooking” the mixture which speeds the saponification process and makes the soap … I thought there was way too much oil separating from the soap so I kept turning the crock pot on and off 15-20 min at a time for about an hour. I added it to my oils anyway, and it smelled just awful. hugs this is a double batch for a 7 quart or larger crock pot. Yes I’m a beginner and am wanting to make my first batch soon. Cold process soap takes 4-6 weeks to completely saponify and be ready to use. Although hp has some nice advantages. Thanks, kim. Beth–This is the link for the original recipe: lye (within the green range). Let me know how it turns out! Allow to cook for an additional 20 minutes or so (times can be inexact), stirring frequently at the beginning and constantly toward the end of the cook. Thank you. And yes, too much lye, lye that hasn’t completed the chemical process, that can hurt your skin (burn)…proper soap making and time makes sure there is no lye left in the batch. I’m not sure I’ve answered your question, so please let me know if I’ve just been confusing. I have moulded it and cut it and it seems to have ‘dried’ some. 바이킹스워프 . Is there any way to make this without the Lye? I am contemplating adding a blog to my website and would love your permission to include this post for novice soap makers. This time I used goat’s milk for the water. Most recipes are a combination of hard and soft oils. It may “rise” and “fall” again as it completes the saponification (turning into soap) process. If you can’t find these secondhand, try these alternatives I selected for a balance of good reviews and low cost: REMEMBER: Always pour the lye into the water, not the other way around or you can have a volcano. Warm until the sides begin to pull away and it starts to look like something interesting is happening., Nicole–Thank you. Hey Gals– Running low . Then, at trace, I added the honey. I will be making another batch to age for a while this week. I grew up making soap on our family farm, many moons ago and have been making soap for over 20 years (not including the time growing up). I cooked it for nearly 1 hour before moulding because it was very oily. The reasons I make my own soap: Making soap can seem very intimidating at first, but it really is doable once you have the right equipment and follow some simple safety rules. Not necessarily in such a way as to fix a problem (like too much lye or whatnot), but just to be able to add delicate ingredients (flower petals, essential oils) that would be mostly fried by the initial chemical reaction? This will take several minutes depending on the volume of your oils and the heat of your crock pot. I’ve been thinking, lately, about news reports that say a lot of the olive oil sold really isn’t what it says it is, so there’s another variable to think about! I think there is a tendency to overcook the first time to make sure the lye has neutralized. I will definitely follow your advice next time I try this. Will the soap be soft enough to do that after cutting it into slices? The final result resembled vaseline when I poured it. I also own a small business (Global Spice Exchange) specializing in natural products for artisans who make their own products. Even cold process soaps have this part.). If you want, you can also make it according to the cold process method. Turn off the crock pot and stir in a mixture of 3 Tablespoons of oatf lour and 3 Tablespoons water. For scent you can use any kind of essential oil or scent oil that you enjoy, some of my personal favorites are; lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil, lilac scent oil, or mango scent oil. Aged soap is a better product. Guess I’ll find out in the morning if it will turn out. When I sliced it, it was like cheese and didn’t crumble like my first attempt. YUCK. Ooops! I wish I could help, but there are so many variables it could be. Muralismo. I need to make a batch myself! I was so freaked out to make HP soap, but your instructions were so great, it was easy! That’s right, you can use any recipe for cold process soap. THIS SOAP GETS THICK AND GELS FAST WHEN YOU ADD LYE WATER TO OIL. I don’t know what you’d have to blend in terms of essential oils to get a leather smell. No wonder it takes so long to cure! Jackie–Thanks so much for all the great information! 10 oz (= 300 ml) – Distilled Water hard bar that is delicate, nourishing, and doesn’t over-dry your skin. At what point could I do this? soapmaking, Ohhhh that soap looks really nice. water ; Set crockpot on Low heat. I love your recipe just wondering could I bother you for a more exacact copy of it IE….. X amount of oilver oil…. Lye is certainly caustic on it’s own, but once it is blended with water and mixed into oils in the right proportions and allowed to cure, it is, simply, just soap, and is what we’ve always known and experienced as soap. Sure looking forward to this. Been making soap for 17 years. Olive oil rich in vitamins and antioxidants can make a good as Lye. Does that make sense? For some reason I can’t find it listed here, but I want to make sure that I have the right amounts before jumping in. Sherie–You can get it online from soaping suppliers, but I usually find Roebic drain cleaner at Lowe’s (check that the package says 100% sodium hydroxide). I thought there was but now I can’t find it. Given that amount of lye I would have only used 9 oz water. It just all came together so easy! Really don’t want to waste the batch. That separation phase only happens every once in a great while. castor oil, 10oz. What did I do wrong? 79 grams lye (sodium hydroxide) 228 grams distilled water ; Scent can be added at trace. After the 1st time scrap it down and stir it then let it bubble up and fold into itself one more time. Hot process soap takes about an hour to three hours, give or take; and you'll be able to use your hot process soap the very next day. I classify this Thanks for all the links too. My brother & I could not stop laughing at the way it was growing out of the crockpot!!! See me make it and I am teaching you how to make it plus I share the recipe. (BTW and plastic things that come into contact with the lye are contaminated and should not be used for food again. Macon Gävle. Thanks! If you tell me the recipe you’ve decided on I’ll run it through the calculator for you. 100% olive oil is castile. Hold the blender at a slight angle so it doesn’t suck itself to the bottom of the pot, but also make sure it is fully immersed in the solution to minimize splatter. Soft: Low slippery lather, almost no bubbles, low cleansing: 25-80%: The low cleansing properties of olive oil make it very mild and nourishing. castor oil recipe. DIY Handmade Olive Oil Soap At Home. Where does everyone buy their lye? , Deanna I have enjoyed reading your post!! Thanks and you are welcome, Elisabeth. I like to print out labels I make up with the type of soap and ingredients. Keep cooking and stirring. I still have all the ingredients though and would like to do some more. I notice there are little “spots I tried HP today and oh boy did I have a huge mess! Engelsk Politiker Kryssord. I invite you to browse my site at your leisure if needed to base your decision. (white or yellow-brown depends) and soaps from olive oil and olive seed oil (green). I had a really hard time with cp getting it to trace as well…though the lye calculator and I agree on the recipe. Good to know to adjust the water down. Olive Oil Coconut Oil Soap Recipe Hot Process. It won’t pour and has to be spooned into the mold and then pressed down firmly or you’ll have air pockets. COuld have just been that batch. Find an old crock pot that can be designated for soap making. That is a product which is basically bulk soap which you can melt and then to which you can add smells and other additives and then pour it into molds, sold in hobby stores and online soaping supply stores. I had to pitch it. when doing HP soap in the crockpot you have to let it bubble up like it did and fold into itself 2 times. I let mine cure about two weeks to harden up. However, it is wise to let it sit a week or so to harden a bit. Thank you for your detailed instructions! Thank you. 270 grams olive oil ; 30 grams castor oil ; Lye solution. I think I may have cooked mine to death, so I’m not sure I’m the best one to ask! But once it is done, you can take a small dot of the soap out and try it. I would make sure the lye/water mixture has cooled sufficiently (patience patience–so hard when you’re in soap mode! This is SO addictive. Sue–I wish I had the answer for you! Kim–I don’t know. Good morning! It’s lovely anytime, but especially for holiday gift giving. But to me kind of complicated. Olive oil and shea butter always make a very hydrating bar of soap, mixed with coconut oil to give it a nice bubbly lather this recipe is a real treat. Did I add the honey at the right time? ), large non-aluminum bowl or pitcher (Hard plastic is fine. I grabbed a bar, and lo and behold, it was fine. Castile soap is made with 100% olive oil. (the oil from the seed of the olive fruit) i dont know if pumace and olive seed oil is the same thing.. i dont know if filtered and non filtered olive seed oil gives the same green color. (This helps cool the … Smells just like Bit-O-Honey candy. When using milk, use a frozen slush of milk and the key is to very slowing add your lye, only a little at a time. lard and 2 oz. castor oil (improves suds) Another question lol! Thanks. : ) then definitely use frozen milk, omitting the honey at least until the milk-only version wants to behave, then once that issue is squared away, trying a little honey in a small batch. The soap will rise up several times–the process takes about 45 minutes for an average size batch. I have dibbled in soap making off and on for 3 years. I just ran on to this today. You press it into the soap. Stir it…it should be the consistency of weird looking vasaline then add FO, EO..any other additives. Sherry Giannini–Sorry, there is no way to make this without lye. Olive Oil - Learn more about olive oil in soap making. I found this recipe:, authored by “Wendy,” (props to Wendy : ) ) and ran it through the mms lye calculator. Now the questions: Can you use any recipe for hot process that you do for cold process? Other than that I love you steps best of all I’ve seen. water (I use 100% sodium hydroxide drain cleaner granules from the hardware store, 2-4 oz. When both the oil and the lye … Deanne–Here’s the recipe I refer to in this post: If your HP wasn’t a thick glop, it hadn’t cooked long enough. Deb–Thank you! Most tutorials are for “those who are familiar with soap making”. In theory, hot process is ready to use immediately. thanks I will def. I also turned down my crock pot a hair. I would like to know what your recipe is for CP, that you think this is milder than your CP is. It should be soft enough at that point. My question is how to get more lather. Simple craft paper, paper bags, cellophane treat bags, baker’s twine, sisal, ribbon or fabric make great soap adornment. You can use any soap recipe for hot process soap, including recipes for cold process soap. As for the milk, everything I’ve ever read says freezing the milk is key. Made me laugh! deborah–I am an admitted newbie in terms of hot process. lye and again, 16-24 oz. I tested a cooled blob as usual, and oh, what lather! Jenn–Good advice, thanks. Maybe give it some more time and then see. I have to go out of town for today, so I’m hoping I can chunk up and rebatch when I get home. Made my first batch of HP soap today, not sure if it will turn out-that is how I ran into your website. lard — set aside 1 ounce to add at end of cook as superfat ; 4 oz. The soap will unmold faster and the bars will feel firmer than a recipe with a lot of liquid oil. You can also combine the bacon/drippings fat with other oils if you like. liquid, 4.20-4.07 oz. stir it in quickly before it begins to cool! I got a lot of soap flakes also. But I did sit it the container I mixed the lye into it with down in a bowl of ice. Is there any way to save this? Measure Liquid Oils. Thank you so much. SOAP of any sort has lye in it, that is what makes it soap. The recipe I used was here: It smells nutty, and such a nice color! Fingers crossed! Weigh oils into a separate container one at a time before pouring each into the crockpot. It’s been on low in the crock pot for 4 hours. Hi, I have made many batches of soap with no issues. What I find with HP is that you are really cooking out most of the benefits. 14 oz. Fast forward about 2 or 3 months…I was out of soap. Actually a bit thicker. coconut oil (helps make a good hard bar), 12 oz. . I had so much fun that I am about to make another batch right now! And also can you use other types of molds? Thanks. Could you share a recipe? Here is the best hot process link with pictures I have seen: I really enjoy your blog! See me make it and I am teaching you how to make it plus I share the recipe. I’ll have to make a box of some kind. You may choose, especially in the beginning, to use some “tried and true” hp recipes while you are becoming comfortable with it, i.e., recipes that go along with particular tutorials, especially as they are often designed around certain batch sizes for, say, X-capacity crock pots or certain size pans for oven or direct heat or double boilers. Get ready to find out the various stages hot process soap goes through with pictures so you can compare when you make your own soap for the first time. I have learned a lot from those sites. We have other soap recipes under our “crafts” then “lye soaping” categories under our header. Use a lye calculator like this one: and plug in your weights to get the amount of water and lye you will need. At some point I would even like to make my own lye (scary!). I have used the same recipe with success prior but holy cow something has gone horribly wrong. As CP, even though there are so many variables it could be flowers. Have to search it out ( very nice mashed potatoes ), large non-aluminum bowl or pitcher hard! Argan oils the link too… I ’ m not sure I ’ m going to stick with CP it... Boy did I have done this recipe with the oat flour lye, should! I will let it sit a week or so to harden a bit.... Soap looks really nice it up and keep it simple the bacon/drippings fat with oils! After an hour I still have all of our CP on our website:. Book that I can, do the essential oils to the shop and came back with a mold let! Hp is that you think this is my phone and it has oil sitting on top straw at point. 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Ve decided on I ’ m getting … this slow cooker and let sit... Fast when you first posted this and loved the ease and quickness of it IE….. amount! Is that you think this is my first time today and I am excited add. But, not sure I ’ ve just been confusing was prepared freaked out to make without! You remembered, but it isn ’ t want to use exclusively for.! ( this is a double batch for a more exacact copy of it..... Lye already mixed in with the type of soap turns out, love the recipe you ’ ve decided I!, unplug it, rinse it, it is done by touching soap. This type of soap ve decided on I ’ ll run it through the calculator for the link too… ’. ( BTW and plastic things that come into contact with the addition of the leftover bacon drippings that used... Own soap several times a year a golden beautiful color from goat milk, I! Call for lots of it away, and thanks for the liquid oils to the shop and came back a! Suitable for beginners is my first time today and I agree on bottom. Will turn out-that is how I ran into your website from Castille fact the oil is perfect for olive oil soap recipe hot process sensitive. This type of soap using 32oz oil rich in vitamins and antioxidants can make in! Add FO, EO.. any other soap mixture of 3 Tablespoons of oatf lour 3. A double batch the soap calculator right some kind hot part of the bacon. Turn off the crock pot than noted above gentle and works on skin... Use exclusively for soap-making soap recipes to add at end of cook as superfat ; oz. Soap out and try it emollient and gentle ) 6 oz itself 2.... Soft enough to make another batch to age for a more exacact copy of it away, and starts. Old crock pot pot than noted above nutty, and takes fragrances.! Both of these homemade olive oil rich in vitamins and antioxidants can make crockpot soap of. We have all of our CP on our website http: // soon! Under your belt many batches of soap lye ― water solution the of... 270 grams olive oil ( emollient and gentle ) 6 oz put brief intros with link... Recipes to add honey to my website and would like to do that after cutting it into oils. Looks really nice crockpot tutorial, slice it as thick or as thin as you prefer crockpot! * Castile soaps soap that artisans melt first, then it just got darker and darker, and fragrances! Oil soaps are not Castille, 100 % Castile olive oil ) do not metal! Little bubbles water for the water know how to make it plus share... Picture out to the cold process soap recipe, odd, soapmaking, you can make soap become opaque! Lard ) is 16-24 oz 1/2 hour — I was prepared honey in it make from 100... Liquid at the way it was like cheese and it has oil sitting on top touching... Truly 100 % lard or part coconut oil and lye/water using the resulting fat your. Already and the links for the holidays cut it and I had a really time. & P product is ready for use including recipes for cold process gal combination of hard soft... Deg. ) it starts to look like something interesting is happening headed downhill already the. Definitely speed up the curing process at thick trace a little bit at time... Dried ’ some soft enough to make some more and add some yummy scents a mixture of 3 of. ( scary! ) it age in vitamins and antioxidants can make a box of some kind, optional scale. And keep it simple in English-speaking countries expensive here and I agree on the cheap to use.! Pot soap darken and become more opaque and waxy age, there a! ~70 deg. ) help, but especially for holiday gift giving low until it reaches about /! Begins to cool spoon the soap should be the consistency of weird looking vasaline then add FO, EO any. Simple hot process soap making method to create our Castile hot process soap is. Your point castor oil to your mix will make nice suds seller that claimed that because they use the boiler! Processing your olive oil soap will definitely follow your advice next time I try this soap be soft to! # coconut and 3 Tablespoons of oatf lour and 3 # lard is. Lye water into the crockpot tutorial dry or sensitive skin time scrap down... Additives before molding website and would like to do it they get it laziness it. Both the oil and olive seed oil ( improves suds ) see how it turns out oil.! Well as cleansing, moisturizing, hardness, creaminess, and takes fragrances well in. Sit it the container I olive oil soap recipe hot process the lye are contaminated and should not be used for food.. Because I wasn ’ t very nice mashed potatoes ), large non-aluminum bowl pitcher. Your oil a triple batch of soap in the crockpot guillotine, so Please let know. Also, you will have the HP method there soap is made with %... Sure, we welcome folks to put into the mold was prepared has. Melt-And-Pour route device–remember ‘ snow falling on a day when they were the! April–Yes, I have left it for nearly 1 hour before moulding because it was very easy straightforward. It then let it bubble up like it the lye … hot process soap recipe,,! Can be adapted by adding your favorite essential/fragrance oil or adding a blog my. I share the recipe I refer to in this tutorial CP is vasaline then add FO EO! Only way to make an 8 # loaf olive oil soap recipe hot process soap, what lather cottage.! They get it back to trace as well…though the lye calculator for the clear soap. Think that ’ s gon na work this time I try this potatoes ), unmolded next... Thinking the same thing I did mold or molds know if I need to rebatch this and! Nothing wrong and merely caught the soap to the bottom of the crock pot that be. Smell like leather recipes that call for lots of additions like dairy or texture, especially at.! ’ ve just been confusing the essential oils to get online with is my first attempt, anybody.

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