lo que sea in spanish ◂ Voltar
Therefore, we are not responsible for their content. jordipujol.cat I t is n eces sa ry to put forward an appealing idea o … But either way, this conversation is over. Ya estamos hablando de " la bodeguilla " de Aznar cuando este señor invita a cenar a su casa a alguien con quien le interesa charlar tranquilamente de lo que sea. Bueno, lo que sea, dan un concierto en Segovia. Now to concentrate on this, whatever it is. (cualquier cosa) whatever conj conjunction: Connects words, clauses, and sentences--for example, "and," "but," "because," "in order that." Stop being the Halloween version of Scrooge, whatever that is. Que sea explícito, seré explícito. Test. The … Y deberías evitar lo que sea que empeore tus dedos. Bueno, sea lo que sea. Ganaste, lo que sea, Karl. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com! Estoy seguro de que el Parlamento y la Comisión harán. ¿El grupo de Francisco se llama "Niebla", "Neblina" o "Nieve"? Info. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family. Spanish Se ha escrito y se ha discutido mucho sobre paquetes, acuerdos, lo que sea. Pues lo que sea que te ofrezca este empresario, nosotros te ofreceremos más. A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). Write. Created by. ... y él siempre tenía que hacer lo que ellas decían. Spanish. Obviously, we cannot do just anything in programmes intended for children. Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. Hace falta presentar una visión positiva de lo que queremos que sea la sociedad, de lo que sea el país. En realidad, esto no es epanadiplosis, o no originalmente. Have you tried it yet? A lot has been written and discussed about packages, agreements, ¡Somos tan acomodados, sanos y ricos¡ Tenemos que devolver. : For its fulfilment, the accessibility of information and the availability of contraceptives are essential preconditions. Lo que sea. On the other hand, the whole area of training judges is vital. Many translated example sentences containing "lo que sea" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Well, whatever it is, they're giving a concert in Segovia. Su parálisis romántico, sea lo que sea. So it is of the utmost important that we join forces and do as much as possible practically. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: lo que sea expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras ("Dios nos libre", "a lo hecho, pecho"). Eso puede ser igual de peligroso; si algo no se entiende, no funcionará, sea. lo que sea - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles. We must give something back and more. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "como quiera que sea" ... a fin de que los responsables del diseño y la explotación del sistema puedan controlar bien la calidad de funcionamiento de éste. Let us do what is necessary to achieve the same situation in the Republic of Moldova as well. No creo que debamos discutir sobre una mayor privatización, competencia o. I think that we ought not to argue about greater privatisation, competition or what have you. whatever. Gravity. Haré lo que sea para proteger a mi familia. Mr President, Mr Barroso, ladies and gentlemen, a lot has already been written about your candidature. No es evidente que esa actriz escuche música en español. Well, be that as it may. Lección 4 (Spanish 204) STUDY. Es la hora de dejar de verter dinero en un agujero sin fondo y de rescatar. Y pensé que la cinta podía ayudar o lo que sea. If it is illegal in written form, it should be illegal on the Internet. El Mundo del Siglo Veintiuno … You can use it in a variety of ways. Use this model phrase to learn it: sea + lo que dios mande (literally, let it be what God commands). How to pronounce "LL" and "Y" in Spanish. It is time to stop pouring money into the money pit and to rescue what can still be rescued. lo que sea translation in Spanish - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'lo que sea',lo que se augura',lo que más me gusta',los de fuera', examples, definition, conjugation Ahora concentrémonos en esto, sea lo que sea. Whatever it is, tell me, and maybe I'll be able to help. (regardless of his, her, or its status; third person singular) a. whatever he is (masculine) Many translated example sentences containing "como quiera que sea" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Translations in context of "lo que dijo sea" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: No digo que nada de lo que dijo sea relevante. I believe we should only put verifiable information on labels. Coged los utensilios, contenedores para arena, lo que sea que tengan. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. Si sólo afecta al Parlamento Europeo, está bien, sea. This can be just as dangerous; if something is not understood then it will not work no matter what. Translate sea lo que sea in Spanish online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. Apoyamos todo lo que … Por tanto, lo más importante es que unamos nuestras fuerzas y que hagamos todo. Flashcards. English. ... No es verdad que la banda sonora sea de los años ochenta. Anteojos, cigarrillos, lo que sea. Para que sea dable hacerlo valer, son condiciones imprescindibles tener acceso a la información y disponer de anticonceptivos. That is explicit, I will be explicit. Action taken must be in proportion to what is reasonable for each country. PLAY. Grab tools, containers for sand, anything you have. : Quoi qu'il en soit, ce sera un lieu célèbre. Lo que sea, pero contigo (Spanish Edition) - Kindle edition by C. Martín, Tessa. But what can we offer besides more rhetoric in this already over-opinionated debate? English Translation of “sea lo que sea” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Translation of sea lo que sea in Spanish. That's more important to him than his own company. We are so well, healthy and rich. The world is full of people who have tried to lose weight at one time or another, for one reason or another. It is not a question that what is good for the United States is good for the rest of us. Needless to say, we can include in the monitoring process what needs to be included. Pues lo que sea que te ofrezca este empresario, nosotros te ofreceremos más.Well whatever this businessman is offering you, we'll offer you more. 2. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. Many idiomatic expressions use it. Sea lo que sea (Spanish to English translation). Mon frère, quoi qu'il en soit, rien ne doit nous empêcher de sauver notre sœur. Que sea mas importante que su propia compañía. Ask me anything about the history of this frat. Se ha escrito y se ha discutido mucho sobre paquetes, acuerdos. Los fondos pagarán los costes jurídicos y. A los niños puedes decirles lo que sea. Spell. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. El Mundo del Siglo Veintiuno (1994) The English for lo que sea is what ever. – Gorpik Oct 27 '15 at 14:05 Deja de ser la versión Scrooge de Halloween, sea lo que sea. whatsoever - be that as it may - Que sera sera. Pero sea lo que sea, pronto lo averiguaremos. How to use Spanish relative pronouns and adjectives? The world is full of people who have tried to lose weight at one time or another, for one reason or another. If the European Parliament alone is involved, that is fine. And I just, you know, thought that the tape might help or whatever. In the case of sea lo que sea this same structure is at work, only it's usually impersonal: sea lo que sea means "whatever it is" but that "it" (the implicit 3rd person) is not necessarily a referent; the phrase can mean just "in any case", or "whatever happens". Pero sea lo que sea, será famoso. See examples of Lo que sea in Spanish. En estas construcciones, la última palabre es originalmente un futuro del subjuntivo (sea lo que fuere, fuera lo que fuere, haga lo que hiciere...), tiempo verbal que ha caído en desuso y ha acabado siendo sustituido. We support anything that improves and expands the internal market. : Bueno, sea lo que sea. Contextual translation of "lo que sea" into English. For something that I can use to identify her. I am sure that Parliament and the Commission will do what is necessary. API call; Human contributions. Numbers in Spanish - How to count from 1 to 1000+, Spanish direct vs indirect object pronouns. Tengo a Bonnie buscando algo, lo que sea. Sentence pairs containing que translated in English and Spanish. a. whatever Déjame una pala, una horca, lo que sea.Lend me a spade, a fork, whatever. Hace falta presentar una visión positiva de lo que queremos que sea la sociedad, de lo que sea el país. que sea lo que Dios quiera translate: here goes. (for example: hagas lo que hagas = "whatever you do"). jordipujol.cat I t is n eces sa ry to put forward an appealing i de a … b. whatever it is Huelga decir que podemos incluir en al proceso de seguimiento. Spanish. You win or whatever, Karl. For example, the expression sea lo que is used to express fatalistic sentiments. Well whatever this businessman is offering you, we'll offer you more. Es que lo que hace, sea lo que sea --suponiendo que sea algo en concreto-, tiene siempre el mismo aire deslavazado, errático y torpón. I got Bonnie looking for something, anything. We must at all costs avoid the creation of scientific cartels. Huelga decir que podemos incluir en al proceso de seguimiento. Yo soy del parecer que sólo debe identificarse. Similar translations for "lo que sea" in English, Context examples for "lo que sea" in English. Hace falta presentar una visión positiva de lo que queremos que sea la sociedad, de lo que sea el país. Pregúntame lo que sea sobre la historia de esta fraternidad. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Is Francisco's group called "Niebla", "Neblina" or "Nieve"? Match. Real sentences showing how to use Lo que sea correctly. Translate Sea lo que sea to Spanish online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. Well, be that as it may. Pero, sea lo que sea, esta conversación se ha acabado. Sea lo que sea, dímelo, y a lo mejor te puedo ayudar.I know something is bothering you. El exceso de peso, sea lo que sea, no se trata solamente de apariencia f�sica. (!) Your romantic paralysis, whatever it is. Forum discussions with the word (s) "sea lo que sea" in the title: a costa de lo que sea a lo más cercano a ello que sea posible. However, the use of sea extends far beyond that in Spanish. English. Spanish past tense - Preterite vs Imperfect, Common ways to ask What's your name in Spanish. : Hermano, sea lo que sea, nada puede prevenirnos de salvar a nuestra hermana. Learn. El Mundo del Siglo Veintiuno (1996) Ese convencimiento es muy poderoso y lleva a la gente a cambiar, sea lo que sea lo nuevo. Results for séa lo que sea translation from Spanish to English. Human translations with examples: here, whatever, whatever, "anything", you say that, it’s up to you. Now to the meaning: Lo que sea means "Whatever." This can be just as dangerous; if something is not understood then it will not work no matter what. No formulo ninguna declaración acerca de las cuotas cero o. I am not making any statement in relation to zero quotas or otherwise. La amplitud de las medidas debe proporcionarse en función de. Add a translation. Glasses, cigarettes, whatever. 1. jordipujol.cat I t is n eces sa ry to put forward an appealing idea o …
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