family medicine residency didactic curriculum ◂ Voltar
Residents learn to actively manage the initiation and maintenance of patients on medication assisted treatments for opiate use disorder in their continuity clinics. The sports medicine curriculum at the University of Vermont Family Medicine Residency is directed by Dr. David Lisle, partnered with Dr. Kim Sikule. The Family Medicine Residency Program is designed so each resident assumes increasing patient management responsibilities commensurate with his or her professional development and maturity. First Year Partnership System On entry into the residency, all residents are partnered with another entering resident from their clinic for many of our first-year inpatient rotations and the Community Health rotation. Consultative services are readily available at Chestnut Hill Hospital … It is an established and well-funded part of the hospital. This resident also manages phone calls from family medicine outpatient offices and affiliated nursing home. We have a robust geriatrics curriculum. Welcome from the Program Director. core family medicine topics; a journal club; case presentations; board review sessions; lectures from a variety of subspecialists The foundation of our didactic program is our weekly Wednesday morning conferences. Find tools, tips, and up-to-date information to help you through virtual interviews and more. Scheduled teaching sessions are held every day at the family medicine center during the lunch hour. Presenters explain how the curricula can be integrated into a program’s didactic … This curriculum also includes clinical experiences at a breast specialist clinic, a clinic that manages pregnant women with substance use disorder, and women and children's shelter. These shifts still allow for appropriate continuity and transitions of care. The 4 didactic modules cover: mountain medicine, desert medicine, tropical medicine, and dive and marine medicine. We have the call system outlined below in place to maximize the benefit and education residents have when dealing with patient issues on-call/overnight and balance it with the benefit and education of the rotations. With the help of Drexel's sports medicine faculty and fellows, a comprehensive overview of a specific joint or system is provided during each session. Speakers are selected from Drexel University College of Medicine faculty, Chestnut Hill Hospital and visiting lecturers. Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO®), Chief Resident Leadership Development Program, Family Medicine Board Review Express Livestream, Residency Leadership Summit (formerly PDW RPS) Virtual Conference, PerformanceNavigator® Workshop: Cardiometabolic Conditions Livestream, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Donate to Support FamMedPAC (AAFP Members Only), FamMedPAC Board of Directors (AAFP Members Only), News From 2019 Congress of Delegates & FMX, News From 2018 Congress of Delegates & FMX, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and Asexual Health, Physician Leadership in the Patient-Centered Medical Home, Residents as Teachers and Precepting in Postgraduate Practice, Scholarly Activity and Information Mastery, Residency Completion and Teaching Certificates. We are currently applying for a RHEDI grant to allow us to include managing medication abortion in resident's continuity clinic as well as allowing for residents to work off-site to gain the ability to perform aspiration abortions. Family medicine residents are evaluated and given feedback through multiple mechanisms. The month is carefully constructed to cover a wide range of topics including the most common outpatient clinical presentations, preventive medicine, practice man… This is usually an informal time to also review professional, career and life goals and aspirations, as well as any concerns or issues that may have arisen. Our residents have already developed amazing programs that remain functional and sustainable today. Residents provide anonymous evaluations of their individual rotations at the conclusion of each rotation and evaluate teaching experiences with the family medicine faculty in the inpatient and outpatient setting on a quarterly basis. Our faculty are involved in many different projects including writing book chapters and journal articles as well as presenting posters or didactic sessions at local, regional or national conferences. Residents get protected time to discuss cases from the Yale Office-Based Medicine Curriculum, which cover all topics in ambulatory medicine … In addition, residents are evaluated by supervising family medicine faculty, continuity practice site staff, and our patients as part of our 360-degree evaluation process. Didactic conferences take place daily (digitally via video) at LMEP Family Medicine Center and are designed to cover the core curriculum of family medicine over a three-year period. Once each four-week block, as schedules permit, ONMM residents and faculty join allopathic and osteopathic family medicine residents, osteopathic students, and osteopathic family medicine faculty in a formal rotating didactic curriculum. PGY I. Ambulatory Medicine Didactics Outpatient didactics include case discussions from the Yale Office-Based Medicine Curriculum, and educational half-days. Residents are educated on procedures including insertion and removal of long-acting reversible contraception, endometrial biopsies, colposcopy, and medication and aspiration abortion. ... AMITA Saint Joseph Chicago's family medicine department is one of the hospital's oldest, and has sponsored the Family Medicine Residency Program since 1972. This is a multidisciplinary conference focusing on appropriate approach, diagnosis and therapy in these cases. Lastly, throughout the three years, residents are required to research, plan, implement and evaluate their own community project or intervention and present it at a local, regional or national conference. Family Medicine Residency – Curriculum The Intern Year. Review residency program curriculum recommendations endorsed by the AAFP and aligned with educational competencies as defined by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). As a member, you'll receive a variety of exclusive products, programs, services, and discounts totaling more than $3,800 in member savings. The residents in the partnership assist each other in … Our residents are actively engaged, helping to plan the curriculum, select speakers, and do some teaching themselves. Our 18-month schedule was designed to reflect the topics that are covered in the ABFM board examination, with an emphasis on practical, case-based, and evidence-based medicine. All rights Reserved.
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◂ Voltar